Maria Shriver Features Step Up Parents in Award-Winning "Sunday Paper" Newsletter

When Maria Shriver calls, we answer! We were honored to be asked to be a part of the latest edition of Shriver's weekly newsletter, the Sunday Paper, an award-winning digital publication with a mission to "Inspire hearts and minds and elevate the voices and insights of those living their deeply authentic lives and moving humanity forward."

Step Up Parents' Founder and Executive Director Denyse Richter was interviewed for the article, an exploration of the rise in grandparents raising grandchildren throughout the United States. 

The following is an excerpt from the article:

The impetus for the nonprofit Step Up Parents came when Denyse Richter saw firsthand a grave need. Her good friends were dealing with their daughter's addiction and raising her infant daughter, their granddaughter. "Their daily life was just mind-boggling," Richter tells us. "With everything they were dealing with, there were little available for resources." Richter founded the organization to help financially support grandparents and other caregivers in similar situations as her friends'. She spoke to us more about who Step Up Parents has helped and the wider issue.

Read the full article

Denyse Richter